Tuesday, July 14, 2020


July 2020 cannot go by without mentioning Hamilton. If you, like me, have woken up, been in the shower, or been sitting by their computer and words from Hamilton have been going through your mind (and often out your mouth) then you will know what July 3rd meant!  Hamilton, the movie of the play, was released on Disney + at 12 am (PST).  If you have been under a rock for the past 5 years then this may be news to you, but Hamilton, one of America's founding fathers is cool!

Now those of us from England who like me were taught about the American Revolution from a British perspective may be surprised to learn that we did not just decide to give the colonies their independence.  There was a lot more (including "full armed battalions to remind the colonies of our love."  So, for me (and I would hazard a guess that a lot of people on both sides of the pond), I learned a lot about America's start as a nation due to a first-generation immigrant from Puerto Rico (yes, it's an American territory but...) 

Lin-Manuel Miranda's tag line This is a story about America thentold by America now,” says it all.  And has real resonance now. From the diverse actors (you don't even notice) to hip-hop & rap music, and novel story-telling this is the story of America then and America now.  This is the land of immigrants. Immigrants do "get the job done", did then, do now and will in the future. 

I had a conversation with someone recently that talked about America's never-ending sense of optimism.  They were admiring it but felt it was not helpful for the country in the long run. Maybe I have been here too long and drunk too much of the kool-aid, but I still have hope for the country.  I think Hamilton had that hope and idealism and so does Lin-Manuel Miranda.  

Hamilton the musical may be a great interlude during these crazy times, but it can also be an example of being at the beginning of something great.  Let's hope we are all able to create that greatness this coming year!

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